Funding Request & Spending Guidelines

Requirements for Funding Consideration
  1. Complete the funds request form at All boxes must be filled out.
  2. Submit the form by the 12:00 pm on the Thursday before the next meeting to have your request heard – if you have any questions or concerns please send an email to the NRHH email NRHH execs meet every week to review requests to add to the agenda for the following general meeting (information on upcoming general meetings can be found at
  3. A representative from your organization must be present to speak about your request OR a representative may also request a zoom link to zoom into the NRHH meeting to present.
  4. The NRHH Logo must be displayed on all advertising for events or shared in some format that NRHH helped fund an initiative.
  5. NRHH encourages individuals/groups seeking funding to submit OTMs. Amount of past OTM submissions could impact the likelyhood of a request being considered.
  6. Staff recognition requests made for staff or hall government executives will be reviewed only if that hall staff or government maintains at least 3 quality OTM submissions each month during the fall and spring academic semesters. Due to the support NRHH receives from desk staff in fundraising efforts, recognition requests for DA staff is waived of this requirement.
  7. Those requesting funding for apparel should request a quote through Underground Printing (an approved UNL vendor) and show their request either matches or is less than the price break received through Underground Printing. UNL has a discount at this company and strong relationship which can help with getting larger discounts comparative to regular pricing. Reach out by email to and mention you are with UNL and have a special discount.  Calling vendors and price checking can achieve great strides in gaining discounts for the institution and best utilizing student fee and student-raised funds.
  8. Failure to follow Funding Request Guidelines will result in a delay to your request being considered.
  9. Those who receive funding and do not appropriately advertise NRHH sponsorship or make no effort to follow the funding guidelines may risk future funding requests being denied by the organization for up to a year or more.
Requirements for Spending Approved Funds
  1. Event spending must first have an APPROVED event through NVolveU.
  2. CANNOT purchase styrofoam, gift cards, or non-Pepsi beverages.
  3. Purchases must always include tax.
  4. Prepared food (non-prepackaged items) must be purchased through a UNL Approved Food Vendor.
  5. Events hosted at any of the campus union building or WCDC must utilize University Catering services to provide food or beverages.
  6. Organizations must either request invoices (with tax) or make the purchases and submit an itemized receipt to NRHH's Vice President of Operations to request payment.