
How to Request Funding from NRHH

NRHH proudly contributes to programs that support our values of Service and Recognition.

If you are a Resident Assistant, Hall Government, or other group that needs financial assistance in putting on a program that supports our values, please fill out the funds request form at and follow the instructions. Please visit the Funding Request Guidelines page for more information before submitting your request.

NRHH expects that all approved funds must be used for activities that uphold the values of the National Residence Hall Honorary listed below. Inappropriate requests for funds include requests for donations, requests for gift cards, requests for money that is used in an inappropriate way (i.e.: donations, activities against university policies or state and federal law), or to reimburse the organization after the event has taken place.

NRHH defines are core values as follows:


Service is an excellent way for the members of NRHH to give back to the community that helped shaped them into the excellent leaders they have become. The best part about the service projects the Scarlet & Cream Chapter of NRHH does is that they not only affect the UNL residence halls, but also UNL, Lincoln, and surrounding areas in Nebraska.


Recognition is the fuel to the fire of leadership. When others find that their hard work has been noticed by someone, they are encouraged to keep up the good work. They take on bigger tasks and work more aggressively on their projects. Eventually, because they were recognized as doing an excellent job, they will become outstanding student leaders.